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Loyola Article

Look, there’s Gravedigger!  “Freshman publishes novel, overcomes editorial obstacles”. I made the front page!

Here’s an article that was in Loyola University Chicago’s student-run newspaper “The Phoenix”. Loyola is where I attend college. They wrote a really nice piece, and also have a book review (separate from the article) on The Phoenix’s website:

Here is the article, which makes me sound really badass. “Don’t underestimate me.”


Keep your eyes peeled for more Gravedigger news!

First Book Signing Event

Hi everyone!

Thank you to all who attended the event. It was very exciting to see how many people out there had bought my book or were interested in buying one. I sold out! Not sure what the future holds, but there will be more events up and coming if you want a signed copy and may be able to come in the future 🙂

Here’s some pictures to commemorate the event:





School interview

Last week I was interviewed and it was basically about how the school helped me with my writing. I mean, I wasn’t really sure what to say,because it’s not like I took a bunch of advanced or AP classes to help me write better, I took the same classes even the illiterate kids HAD to take, and just happened to be better at writing. I really attribute my writing talent as a hereditary trait inherited from my dad, even thought he hasn’t written anything in a long time and has never been published. I think he is a really good writer though and have been encouraging him, he hasn’t listened or done anything with his writing yet. Thanks for reading!

Interview #2

I heard from my school principal the other day that I have an interview opportunity. It’s from a lady that has something to do with our school district I guess. I don’t know very much about it. But I’ll post when I know more! Should be talking to her next week sometime.

Q & A article with the author!

Check out page 10 of this paper for my interview! -MY

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Ad Campaign

Hello! The Facebook ad campaign has begun! Everyone get your copy of Gravedigger, it will be a great Christmas present for any person, boy or girl, who likes to read. People have been very enthralled with the plot and ending. On Facebook, please like “Gravedigger- Morgan Young” and SPREAD THE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -MY

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While everyone at school has been very supportive, one of my classes actually got me a cake to celebrate my article being in the Grand Haven Tribune. I have posted the link on another post in case anyone wants to check it out. Copies will now be available in The Bookman in Grand Haven. They are still […]

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Grand Haven Tribune Article

Today I am in the local newspaper! It is always exciting to expand the knowledge of my book to others. Here’s the picture they took of me. This week I will be bringing books to the local book stores so that people won’t have to buy them exclusively online. For those who don’t know, it’s available on […]

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